SAT Registration Process

SAT Registration Process

How to REGISTER online for SAT test ? it’s good to know ahead about the registration process of SAT Sign in to your College Board Account Provide your details like legal name and other identifying information. make sure that your name match with information...
SAT Reading Test

SAT Reading Test

Best SAT Reading Test Practice The Reading Test focuses on the skills and knowledge at the heart of education: the stuff you’ve been learning in high school, the stuff you’ll need to succeed in college. It’s about how you take in, think about, and use information. And...
SAT Math Test

SAT Math Test

The SAT Math test And Quick Facts The Math Test focuses on the math that matters most to college and career readiness. To succeed on the Math Test, students will need to demonstrate mathematical practices, such as problem solving and using appropriate tools...


The SAT Essay This is an optional SAT section which is scored separately. Successful students must work to craft responses that identify and connect evidence. The essay question will not ask for student’s personal opinion of the provided passage or require providing...
SAT Score Reporting

SAT Score Reporting

Score Reporting: The new scale ranges from 400 to 1600 against the old SAT scale of 600 to 2400. Scale ranging from 200 to 800 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; 200 to 800 for Math; 2 to 8 on each of three dimensions for essay and easy results reported...