An extensive working vocabulary is a prerequisite for test-taking success on the GRE Graduate Record Exam.

GRE word list 4

document to provide with written evidence to support
doggerel poor verse
dogmatic stating opinions without proof
dormant inactive
dross waste; worthless matter
dupe to deceive; trick
ebullient exhilarated; overly enthusiastic
eclectic selecting from various sources
effervescence state of high spirits or liveliness
effete depleted of vitality; overrefined; decadent
efficacy effectiveness; efficiency
effrontery shameless boldness; presumptuousness
egoism self-centeredness
egotistical excessively self-centered; conceited
elegy poem or song expressing lamentation
elicit to provoke; draw out
elixir a sustance believed to have the power to cure ills
Elysian delightful; blissful
emaciated thin and wasted
embellish to adorn; enhance
emollient soothing; mollifying
empirical derived from observation or experiment
emulate to imitate; copy
encomium a formal expression of praise
endemic inherent; belonging to an area
enervate to weaken
engender to cause; produce
enhance to increase; improve
entomology the scientific study of insects
enunciate to pronounce clearly
ephemeral short-lived; fleeting
epistemology branch of philosophy tha texamines the nature of knowledge
equable steady; unvarying; serene
equanimity composure; calmness
equivocate intentionally use vague language
errant mistaken;
erudite learned; scholarly
esoteric hard to understand; known only to a few
essay to make an attempt; subject to a test
estimable admirable; possible to estimate
ethnocentric based on the attitude tha one’s group issuperior
etiology causes or origins
etymology origin an history of a word
eugenics study of factors that influence the hereditary qualities of the human raceand ways to improve those qualities
eulogy high praise to a death person
euphemism use of agreeable or inoffensive language
in place of offensive language
euphoria feeling of extreme happiness
euthanasia mercy killing
evince to show plainly; be an indication of
evocative tending to call to mind or produce a reaction
exacerbate to aggravate; make worse
exact to force the payment of
exculpate to clear of blame; vindicate
execrable detertable; abhorrent
exhort to urge by strong appeals
exigency crisis; urgent requirements
existential having to do with existence
exorcise to expel evil spirits
expatiate to speak or write at length
expatriate to send into exile
expiate to atone for
explicate to explain;interpret;clarify
expository explanatory
extant in existence; not lost
extemporaneous unrehearsed
extirpate to root up; to destroy
extraneous not essencial
extrapolation the act of estimation by projecting known
extrinsic not inherent of essential
facetious homorous
facilitate to make less difficult
factotum a person who does all sorts of work
fallacious based on a false idea or fact; misleading
fallow plowed but not sowed
fatuous foolishly self-satisfied
fauna animals of a period o region
fawning seeking flavor by flattering
felicitous suitable expressed; wee-chose; appropiate
feral existing in a wild or untamed state
fervor warmth and intensity of emotion
fetid having a bad smell
fetter to bind; confine
fiat arbitray order; authorization
fidelity loyalty; exact correspondence

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